
February 2020

The Other Side Of The Wall

The Other Side Of The Wall

A young woman inherited a beautiful garden from her grandmother. She loved gardening too and was very proud of her garden. One day, she saw a very beautiful plant in a catalog and wanted that for her garden. She ordered it and planted it at the base of the stonewall in her backyard. She took great care of the plant, which grew quickly and had beautiful green leaves on it. Months passed, but not a single flower bloomed on the tree. Vexed, she almost…

The Man and The Cat Moral Story

The Man And The Cat

One day, a man was walking by a road when he heard a cat meowing from the bushes nearby. The cat was stuck and needed help getting out. When the man reached out, the cat got scared and scratched the man. The man screamed in pain but didn’t back down. He tried again and again, even as the cat continued to scratch his hands. Another passerby saw this and said, “Just let it be! The cat will find a way to come out later”.…

The Wet Pants

The Wet Pants Moral Story

A nine-year-old boy was sitting at his desk in class, when suddenly, his pants felt wet, and there was a puddle at his feet. His heart almost skipped a beat, as he got worried that his classmates would see that and make fun of him. He quickly wanted to do something, and saw the teacher and his classmate Susie walking towards him. Susie was carrying a bowl of goldfish. As they came closer, the boy thought that the teacher noticed his wet pants, and…

The Boasting Traveler

The Boasting Traveler

A man came back from a tour and boasted about his adventurous journeys. He talked at length about the different people he met and his amazing feats that got him fame and praise from people everywhere. He went on to say that he went to the Rhodes where he had leaped to such distances that no man could ever match his feat. He even went on to say that there were witnesses who would vouch for his words. Hearing the man boast so much,…
