
May 2020

The Fox And The Grapes Story

The Fox And The Grapes Story

Fox is an intelligent animal, and it even has many other interesting traits. Did you know that fox can use more than 28 different calls for communicating with each other? These fascinating beings hide their food at secret places to binge on it later. Foxes are omnivores and can eat almost everything – berries, seeds, vegetables, small animals, eggs, and insects. Just like their many food choices, there are plenty of stories written on these creatures. In this MomJunction post, we tell you the…

The Fox And The Crow Story For Kids

The Fox And The Crow Story For Kids

On a beautiful morning, the fox strolls sniffing around in the forest. In search of something to munch on, he spots a crow sitting on a branch of a giant tree. A bite of cheese held by the crow in its beak catches the attention of the fox. In the first instance, the fox does not pay much attention. But when he looks at the crow for the second time, his cunning mind starts thinking of ideas for stealing the cheese bite. “I need…

The golden egg short moral story

The Golden Egg

Once upon a time, a farmer had a goose that laid a golden egg every day. The egg provided enough money for the farmer and his wife for their day-to-day needs. The farmer and his wife were happy for a long time. But one day, the farmer got an idea and thought, “Why should I take just one egg a day? Why can’t I take all of them at once and make a lot of money?” The foolish farmer’s wife also agreed and decided…
